Just a reminder that when Clarkston Schools are canceled for inclement weather, our campus closes as well. (The exception is Mass ... we never cancel Mass!) As a result, all activities, meetings, groups, etc. using the Cushing Center today and tomorrow (January 21 and 22) have been canceled. Stay warm, and say some extra prayers for those who have to be out in this cold!!!
Will not be automatically mailed out to parish households this year. If you would like a statement of your 2024 contributions to the parish, reach out to Vikki Toth at 248-625-4580, ext. 100 or [email protected].
Jesus asks, "Could you not keep watch for one hour?" (Mark 14:37) Join us at 7:00 PM to be with our Lord for one hour. Next Holy Hour: February 17. Spending some quiet time n prayer with Our Lord, Jesus, is a beautiful way to come to know Him more intimately, to love Him more deeply, and to follow Him more closely.
Here's what we will be offering: 9 Days for Life Novena: January 16-24. You can sign up online at 9daysforlife.com to receive each day's prayers and intention digitally, or grab a "hard" copy of the entire novena from the back of church. Baby Bottle Drive: Sponsored by our Knights of Columbus to benefit Birth Choice Services. Pick up empty bottles from Mass January 18/19. Mass for Life: Come pray for life on Wednesday, January 22, at 7:00 p.m.! Click for more details!!!
Have a problem with alcohol? Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other so they may solve their common problem and helps others to recover from alcoholism. A.A. meets every Friday in the Cushing Center at 7:00 p.m. For more information, call Bob at 248-933-9179. Support Group for Women with Asperger Husbands: Meets in the Cushing Center on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Questions? Email [email protected]. Need prayers or homebound Eucharist? Contact the Evangelical Charity/Christian Service Office at [email protected] or 248-625-4583.
The Archdiocese of Detroit, along with its parishes, schools, and facilities, is committed to ensuring safe environments for children and vulnerable adults. They recently updated requirements for ALL volunteers and staff. Click to read more from the Archdiocese.
Did you know that you can help our St. Daniel St. Vincent de Paul Conference help our neighbors in need simply by purchasing everyday items at Kroger? It’s true!!! Our SVdP Conference is enrolled in the Kroger Community Rewards Program. All you have to do is sign up. Click for instructions, or see a SVdP member at Social after this weekend's 11:00 a.m. Mass!
Before leaving any flyers, brochures, prayer cards, or other items on the tables in church (or other parish buildings), please have the items approved by Father Craig or a staff person. Items not approved will be removed and disposed of.
Then you should already be receiving emails and/or text messages via the mass communication platform called Flocknote. If you have not received an email or text message from us, that means we don’t have your current contact information on file. To be added to our list in Flocknote, complete the online for at the bottom of https://stdanielclarkston.org/stay-in-touch or send an email to [email protected] with your email address and/or cell phone number. Let’s stay in touch!!!
While groups like Knights of Columbus and St. Vincent de Paul are part of St. Daniel Parish, they are actually separate entities with their own bank accounts. As such, donation checks should be made payable directly to the specific group, NOT St. Daniel Parish. If you ever have a question about how to make your check payable, reach out the Parish Office at 248-625-4580!